Battlestar Galactica, Pythagoras and Cylon of Croton

12 Jun

From Wikipedia’s Pythagoras article:

“Towards the end of his life he (Pythagoras) fled to Metapontum because of a plot against him and his followers by a noble of Croton named Cylon. He died in Metapontum around 90 years old from unknown causes.

The akousmatikoi were not allowed to see Pythagoras and they were not taught the inner secrets of the cult. Instead they were taught laws of behavior and morality in the form of cryptic, brief sayings that had hidden meanings. The akousmatikoi recognized the mathematikoi as real Pythagoreans, but not vice versa. After the murder of a number of the mathematikoi by the cohorts of Cylon, a resentful disciple, the two groups split from each other entirely, with Pythagoras’s wife Theano and their two daughters leading the mathematikoi.”

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Posted by on June 12, 2009 in Math


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