Are we engineers, like John Roebling?

12 Jul

“Most of you”, says Vyssotksy, “probably recall pictures of ‘Galloping Gertie‘, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge which tore itself apart in a windstorm in 1940. Well, suspension bridges had been ripping themselves apart that way for eighty years or so before Galloping Gertie. It’s an aerodynamic lift phenomenon, and to do a proper engineering calculation of the forces, which involve drastic nonlinearities, you have to use the mathematics and concepts of Kolmogorov to model the eddy spectrum. Nobody really how to do this correctly until the 1950s or thereabouts. So, why hasn’t the Brooklyn Bridge torn itself apart, like Galloping Gertie?

It is because John Roebling had sense enough to know what he didn’t know. His notes and letters on the design of the Brooklyn Bridge still exist, and they are a fascinating example of a good engineer recognizing the limits of his knowledge. He knew about aerodynamic lift on suspension bridges; he had watched it. And he knew he didn’t know enough to model it. So he designed the stiffness of the truss on the Brooklyn Bridge roadway to be six times what a normal calculation based on known static and dynamic loads would have called for. And, he specified a network of diagonal stays running down to the roadway, to stiffen the entire bridge structure. Go look at those sometime; they’re almost unique.

When Roebling was asked whether his proposed bridge wouldn’t collapse like so many others, he said, ‘No, because I designed it six times as strong as it needs to be, to prevent that from happening.’

Roebling was a good engineer, and he built a good bridge, by employing a huge safety factor to compensate for his ignorance. Do we do that? I submit to you that in calculating performance of our real-time software systems we ought to derate them by a factor of two, or four, or six, to compensate for our ignorance. In making reliability / availability commitments, we ought to stay back from the objectives we think we can meet by a factor of ten, to compensate for our ignorance. In estimating size and cost and schedule, we should be conservative by a factor of two or four to compensate for our ignorance. We should design the John Roebling did, and not the way his contemporaries di — so far as I know, none of the suspension bridges built by Roebling’s contemporaries in the United States still stands, and a quarter of all the bridges of any type built in the U.S. in the 1870s collapsed within ten years of their construction.

Are we engineers, like John Roebling? I wonder.

Programming Pearls (2nd Edition), Jon Bentley, Column 7, p. 72-73

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Posted by on July 12, 2010 in Science



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